REFUGE 20's and 30's

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During our meetings, we will
focus on four things:

Discipleship/Bible Study – Through effective teaching and the studying of God’s Word, Refuge will help direct your spiritual roots to grow down deep into Christ.

Encouragement – Sometimes staying rooted is difficult, especially when faced with trials and storms of this life. Refuge will be a time of encouraging one another, allowing our faith to grow stronger, together, as we strive to imitate Christ in every aspect of our lives.

Prayer – Refuge will focus on what is perhaps the most important piece of staying rooted in Christ, prayer. We must develop and maintain an effective prayer life to stay rooted in Christ.

Fellowship – We believe that in order for us to be rooted and grow together, spiritually, we need to know one another. We are dedicated to building and strengthening the relationships within the young adult community at L.P.A.

Refuge Leaders: Ashely and Dennis Brinker

Our meetings start at 6:00 pm and are the second Thursday of each month. Come join us for an evening of bible study, encouragement, prayer and fellowship. Uplifting each other in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lighthouse Pentecostal Assembly
We look forward to meeting you, digitally and in person! If you need prayer or assistance, please contact us!

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Lighthouse Pentecostal