Our Adult Services



We have many opportunities here at Lighthouse Pentecostal Assembly to worship the Lord, fellowship with other believers, and to study and learn the Word of God from gifted teachers and preachers. In these opportunities each one will be encouraged, up-lifted, and blessed. Through these times each will be allowed to move and use their gifts and talents for the Lord.

Sunday mornings we have an awesome time of worship and praise. The Holy Ghost is allowed to flow and minister in the way that He needs to fulfill His plan and will for each one in attendance. The word is then preached under a heavy anointing, gifts are used, and we always have a wonderful time in the alter to do God’s work. Service starts at 10:30 am.

Wednesday nights we have Bible Study that is led by gifted and anointed teachers. Every Wednesday is a time to study and grow in the Word of God. There are times when we have a single study and there are times when we have a series of lessons to study together. You are able to ask your questions and have those questions answered. We meet for one hour, 7-8 pm.

The last Wednesday of each month is our “Preaching Night”. We have several ministers that use their talents and gifts to bring the message for the day and time we live in. Each one brings their own uniqueness and individuality of presenting the Gospel and working the alter as they are led by the Holy Ghost.

W.O.W.-Women of Worship meets on the second Monday night @ 6 pm (September-April). All ladies are welcome and bringing friends are encouraged. Each meeting features a speaker, prayer time, and fellowship over pot luck snacks. Special events are planned throughout the year; retreats, conferences, seminars, outings, and many others

Lighthouse Pentecostal Assembly
We look forward to meeting you, digitally and in person! If you need prayer or assistance, please contact us!

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Lighthouse Pentecostal